The Kazblog
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Check here for updated legal news, answers to some of your commonly asked questions about personal injury and the law, and to find out more about who we are and some of the cases and causes we are proud to support.

Okanagan woman sues former doctor who sexually assaulted her who has been sentenced to 3½ years in prison

Sandra Kovacs and Mallory Hogan achieve a historic settlement with Roman Catholic Church defendants
In 1977-1978, Rev. Fr. Harold Vincent Sander, OSB, also known as Father Placidus, a Roman Catholic Benedictine monk and priest at Westminster Abbey in Mission, British Columbia, raped a 13-year-old male student.

Marc Kazimirski appointed King’s Counsel by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for British Columbia
KazLaw Injury Lawyers is thrilled to announce that Marc Kazimirski was appointed King’s Counsel by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for British Columbia.

Sandy Kovacs and Mallory Hogan secure judgment of $2.33 million in child abuse case
Mr. Bemister is a teacher who suffered chronic pain from a motor vehicle accident.

Kazlaw Injury Lawyers is the title sponsor for the 2023 Canadian Mountain Bike Championships
The 2023 Canadian Mountain Bike Championships took place in Kentville, Nova Scotia

Mi Sun Cho and Hermanie Chiong of the Kazlaw Injury team received a $111,130 judgment in Bemister v. Boucher, 2022 BCSC 67
Mr. Bemister is a teacher who suffered chronic pain from a motor vehicle accident.

Mike Huot, Julie Gagnon, and Aisha Estey of the Kazlaw Injury team received a $589,421 judgment in Vo v. Navarro, 2021 BCSC 1534. Another case with a fantastic result and a very happy client.
Ms. Vo was involved in a motor vehicle accident and suffered injuries to her neck, shoulders, and back.

Mike Huot, Julie Gagnon, and Aisha Estey of the Kazlaw Injury team received a $3,214,666 judgment for a police officer injured in an accident.
Mr. Steinlauf was a RCMP Constable driving a marked police SUV when he was struck by a large tractor-trailer. The accident caused significant injuries to his neck, shoulder, lower left leg and back.

Marc Kazimirski and Julie Gagnon of the Kazlaw Injury team received one of the highest non-pecuniary awards for a chronic injury/psych case in B.C.
Ms. Grabovac suffered several physical and psychological injuries as a result of two motor vehicle accidents.

Tanya Martin and the team recently received a judgment for $1 Million
Tanya Martin and the team recently received a judgment for $1 Million! ICBC had made a formal offer of $160,000.

Okanagan woman sues former doctor who sexually assaulted her who has been sentenced to 3½ years in prison

Sandra Kovacs and Mallory Hogan achieve a historic settlement with Roman Catholic Church defendants
In 1977-1978, Rev. Fr. Harold Vincent Sander, OSB, also known as Father Placidus, a Roman Catholic Benedictine monk and priest at Westminster Abbey in Mission, British Columbia, raped a 13-year-old male student.

Marc Kazimirski appointed King’s Counsel by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for British Columbia
KazLaw Injury Lawyers is thrilled to announce that Marc Kazimirski was appointed King’s Counsel by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General for British Columbia.

Sandy Kovacs and Mallory Hogan secure judgment of $2.33 million in child abuse case
Mr. Bemister is a teacher who suffered chronic pain from a motor vehicle accident.

Kazlaw Injury Lawyers is the title sponsor for the 2023 Canadian Mountain Bike Championships
The 2023 Canadian Mountain Bike Championships took place in Kentville, Nova Scotia

Mi Sun Cho and Hermanie Chiong of the Kazlaw Injury team received a $111,130 judgment in Bemister v. Boucher, 2022 BCSC 67
Mr. Bemister is a teacher who suffered chronic pain from a motor vehicle accident.

Mike Huot, Julie Gagnon, and Aisha Estey of the Kazlaw Injury team received a $589,421 judgment in Vo v. Navarro, 2021 BCSC 1534. Another case with a fantastic result and a very happy client.
Ms. Vo was involved in a motor vehicle accident and suffered injuries to her neck, shoulders, and back.

Mike Huot, Julie Gagnon, and Aisha Estey of the Kazlaw Injury team received a $3,214,666 judgment for a police officer injured in an accident.
Mr. Steinlauf was a RCMP Constable driving a marked police SUV when he was struck by a large tractor-trailer. The accident caused significant injuries to his neck, shoulder, lower left leg and back.

Marc Kazimirski and Julie Gagnon of the Kazlaw Injury team received one of the highest non-pecuniary awards for a chronic injury/psych case in B.C.
Ms. Grabovac suffered several physical and psychological injuries as a result of two motor vehicle accidents.

Tanya Martin and the team recently received a judgment for $1 Million
Tanya Martin and the team recently received a judgment for $1 Million! ICBC had made a formal offer of $160,000.